Weekly News (Week 6)
Published on June 9, 2024

Assembly Activities


Topic of the Week: Efficiency

Monday- Introduction to efficiency

Efficiency is the quality of being able to do a task successfully without wasting time or energy.


Tuesday-More details on efficiency

Efficiency (Noun) which is taken from the word efficient (adjective) is referred to as the way we make good use of time or energy. Other words that are synonymous to efficiency are: Organization,order, orderliness,planning etc


Wednesday- Sport (football)


Thursday- Full meaning of some abbreviations

E.g ACP- Assistant Commissioner of Police

ATM- Automated Teller Machine

C.A - Continuous Assessment

EFCC- Economic and Financial Crime Commission


Friday- Ibowo fun ara Eni

Assembly Announcement


Assembly activities

1) Background information on the newly adopted national anthem was given to the students in which Three learners gave an excellent rendition of the national anthem

Special Announcements ????


a) Midterm break has been shifted from next week Thursday and Friday to Thursday and Friday, week 8

b) Open day is on Thursday June 13, 2024.

c) Public holiday (Democracy day) on June 12, 2024.

d) Salah break from Monday 17th June till Friday 21st June, 2024.

e) Graduation Attire:

   For the upcoming graduation ceremony for Basic 5, Nursery 2, and JSS3, the attire guidelines are as follows:

     Males: Navy blue suit with a sky blue pocket handkerchief and tie.

     Females: Elegant sky blue ball gown with navy blue accessories.

   We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.

f) Critical thinking questions is now available on the school portal

Note: Deadline for submission is on Sunday by 7:00pm


Students of the Week

   Secondary School: Akinbote Kayode Marvelous  from JSS 3

   Primary School: Mudathir Friday's from Basic 4


@Adetokun abeeb2024-06-09 07:01:33

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